Author: Alee

  • STAR WARS: BEFORE THE FALL, PT. 3 — “Many Bothans died to bring us this information.”

    Her skin glows. A bright lavender haze. His hand approaches her cheek and he feels more warmth than he knows possible emitting from her skin. For a moment he wonders if he could make do with just this. Long ago, it was considered inappropriate for Bothans to get close to other species as inter-species bonds…

  • This is the ePub version, good for Apple devices, all desktop machines, etc. Ideal format. This is the .mobi version, ideal only for Kindle (not the best for the images but people love they Kindles, so) And here, of course, is the soundtrack, the Vangelis and John Carpenter-inspired synth score by Stefan Smith. Enjoy!

  • Sex, Science, and Horror in Prometheus

    When movies deliver the atmosphere and the grandeur and the precision of something like Prometheus: the flaws in the script DO. NOT. MATTER. — Bret Easton Ellis (@BretEastonEllis) June 12, 2012 Sex Look, it’s as simple as this: Prometheus has other things on its mind besides airtight logic. Like sex. No, not the missionary reproductive…

  • This is Peptalk and their press release says they’re part Blade Runner and part Twin Peaks and I’m like you had me at “press release.” But seriously this is some of the most transporting stuff I’ve heard in years, literally years. Sonically it’s complete and evocative to the point that it feels three (four?) dimensional.…

  • Evolution of an Idea: “We Speak to the Revelator”

    I have no idea why, but some time around…2007(?) someone left me a voicemail with the first minute of this song: No explanation. One of those flipphone-era voicemails with no missed call attached to it. The maddening (and kinda exciting) part was that I couldn’t really suss out what the song was. I think finally…

  • How are we doing?

    My cat Easy (named after the late Eazy-E) is in poor health. He’s got the stereotypical nine lives and he’s a survivor. So despite several brushes with death, he’s with us today. He’s also a motherfucking haggler. If you don’t give him something he wants, he finds a way to get it. He persists with…

  • Aerial Ruin is Magic

    Erik Moggridge is Aerial Ruin. I’ve been a fan of his music for almost ten years and was lucky enough to tour with and befriend the man in 2008 (maybe 2009?) while in the Pacific Northwest with my old band, The Atomic Bomb Audition. Just an acoustic guitar and a gentle tenor carrying the wisdom…

  • My thinking had become very uptight…

    I may go so far as to say if you don’t like The Big Lebowski, stop reading this blog. (I’m just kidding. Come back. P-please?) One of the amazing things about the Coen Bros’ story is the way The Dude experiences epiphanies that ultimately enlighten no one but him. He’s like this sub-Philip Marlowe upon…

  • Scarier than Skynet

    Nick Bostrom’s Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies, essentially an academic paper on the concerns around AI, the possible ways by (and speeds at) which it may lap human intelligence, and the multiple potential outcomes of those scenarios is smart, more comprehensive than you can imagine, and really fucking scary. Scary because it’s often as dry as…

  • Hi, there. Today I’m in Los Angeles, the San Fernando Valley to be exact, visiting family with my daughter. I have the kind of daughter (3-years-old) who doesn’t let me leave her side for more than a few minutes so I made a stealth move while napped and went on a bit of an adventure……